The lake of Iseo or Sebino is a lake basin in the province of Bergamo, connected by the Oglio river. It has a surface of 65,3 km2s and a maximum depth of 251 meters. It's situated 180 ms of quota in the Prealpis Orobie.
At the end of the Val Camonica, it's almost equally divided between the provinces of Bergamo and Brescia and there is the biggest natural island of any lake in Italy: Monte Isola, with two satellite islets, Loreto and San Paolo, in the north and in the south.
The main activity is the tourism: the lake of Iseo, generally visited all the year, it has its tourist season from May to September, the period in which there are various demonstrations: sail regattas, concerts and evenings dancing. You can practise different sporting activities: swimming, windsurfing, fishing, underwater and sail activities, these last made possible by regular winds.
The lake, rich in trouts and pikes, supports the lake fishing, still active in the coast countries. On the lake coast they produce a good olive oil, with notable organoleptic characteristics.
Montisola is the largest lake island in Italy with a surface of 4,5 km²s and a perimeter of around 9200 meters. In Europe there are some lake islands of bigger extension: for example the island in the Swedish lake of Vättern, that measures 24 km²s and the island of Sääminginsalo that has been created following the construction of a channel.
The peak of the mountain reaches an altitude of 600 ms s.l.m (415 ms on the level of the lake); just on the top you can find the Sanctuary of the Madonna della Ceriola from which the panoramic Sebino can be admired and part of the Valcamonica